Your family needs a plan. What is it that everyone needs on a daily basis? Devise a strategy for quickly storing these things is a handy place. Plastic bins or buckets work well and so do duffle bags or suitcases that can be packed with toys, sports equipment, books, newspapers etc and stored in a closet, cupboard or even under a bed! Engage even the younger members of a family to get into the action when the Realtor® calls. If you make a game out of this last minute hustle, children often think it fun and cooperate well.
Staying organized is the key. Before leaving the house in the morning, everything needs to be in its place. Ensure that all beds are made (yes including all those fluffy pillows) and that clothes are put away in their places. If you have packed away lots of stuff there really shouldn’t be much that needs straightening up all the time. Onto the bathrooms; another area that needs daily attention. Little containers to put personal items into from the counter and tub/shower and stored under the sink will keep the room clutter-free. A daily wipe of the sink, and tub/shower with a micro cloth will keep things sparkling. “Swifter” all non-carpeted surfaces (great job for kids to do. Have several; one for each child to do a room. Small investment for quick work).
The kitchen is another major area that needs to be well maintained. Dishes done and put away or into the dishwasher if you have one before leaving in the morning. Counters, sink and tables cleared and wiped clean. Chairs arranged neatly around the table. Not an insurmountable task if you keep at it.
As for you feline or canine family member, they might want to take a vacation with a friend or relative for a short while as having “strangers” come through their territory may be quite upsetting for them. If this is not a possibility then try to make sure they are restrained or confined to an area of your home during the day when buyer visits are possible and you are not available to take them with you when having a showing. Litter boxes, food dishes and animal toys again should be stored in a less than obvious location. Make sure that someone in your household is also on “doo-doo” detail as well (for the obvious reasons I think!).
Once a week, focus more intently on cleaning your home. This might be the time to hire cleaning help. Just make sure they know how to keep that “staged” look original as planned.
And before you know it, you will have an offer to buy your home and then it will be sold! All that effort that went into keeping your home looking fresh and “staged” will have been well worth it and, hey, it wasn’t so bad after all was it?