Most houses have a coat closet fairly close to the front door. What it looks like inside can give the prospective buyer a clue about the storage capacity of your house whether this perception is realistic or not. As with most things, perception is everything! So what's in your closet? When selling your house it just won't do to lop all sorts of odds and ends into the closet. The old adage "out of sight - out of mind" just doesn't hold up when when your house is listed for sale. Why? Because prospective buyers will look into your closet to see if their "stuff" will fit in. If there are coats hung from all seasons willy-nilly on hangers and shoes and sporting equipment thrown into the bottom of the closet and hats, scarves, gloves and mittens thrown up on the shelves, and that box of things meant to go to the Sally Ann, toys that were lying about on the floor, a bag of clothes meant for the dry cleaners. . . I think you get the picture. Yikes, there is no room for anything! What a great first impression buyers have of the storage in your house. Wonder what other closets and cupboards have to offer? Are they big enough to hold everything? So you can see that this negative first impression can carry over into buyers thinking about all the storage within the house. This negative psychological snowball effect can have a detrimental effect on the saleability of your house. Of course all of this can be eliminated by applying the principles of organization offered by your Home Stager who has specific training in effective organizing and storage techniques. Your Home Stager can help you decide what needs to stay and what needs to be stored elsewhere or given away. She (he) can suggest containers and systems to organize sports equipment and hats and gloves and shoes so that the coat closet is neat and organized and has the look of lots of space for a prospective buyer's things. Now I wonder what the other closets look like? If you would like to find out more about organizing your closets for your house sale, contact HomeReady Home Staging. We would be pleased to give you a free quote for our consultation services! Call 613-894-4155.
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