Tuesday, July 27, 2010

What Makes Me different?

I pride myself on what makes me different.  I value being with my clients and associates so much that I usually turn off my phone when I am with them so that I can fully attend to them without interruptions.  I find it very annoying when I am with someone and in the name of "good customer service" they are constantly attached to their phone.  I find it highly insulting actually to be in the middle of a conversation to realize that the other person is actually reading their latest text message.  Come on now!  Or their phone is constantly ringing and they say "Oh, I just have to get this quickly".  OK, what were we talking about?

I always return calls when I leave a clients' appointment to others.  I think that waiting a bit doesn't really hurt.  One can be too accessible and no, I don't take my phone into the bathroom and I don't talk when driving (usually).  Clients give me feedback that I don't rush them, that I pay full attention to them and this is what I am striving for.  Being "client-centered" means just that; being present fully when there with them.  Thank you Carl Rogers - I knew that some of those psych courses would pay off!  Actually it's just good common sense and respect for others!  So be assured that when we are meeting you will have my full attention.  How else will I get to know you and understand what your needs are?

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